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Medicare On-Demand Videos

Dive into a wealth of knowledge on our On-Demand Videos page, where informative Medicare content takes center stage! Explore a curated collection of educational videos covering crucial topics like policy updates, benefit changes, and practical tips for navigating the evolving Medicare landscape. Stay informed and empowered as you watch at your convenience.

Featured Video

Uncover our top-pick video in the Featured Section, tackling the most crucial topic of the moment. 

2024 Medicare Changes You Should Know

Check out the "2024 Medicare Changes You Should Know". Get the scoop on upcoming updates – whether you're in Medicare now or planning for it. Quick guide on policy shifts, benefit changes, and new programs. Stay in the loop for 2024!

  • 2024 Medicare Part A Changes You Should Know

    Uncover the essentials of Medicare Part A in this concise video, exploring its coverage for inpatient care, skilled nursing, and hospice services. Gain a clear understanding of how Medicare Part A can provide vital support for your healthcare needs.

    2024 Medicare Part B Changes You Should Know

    Dive into the details of Medicare Part B with this brief video, highlighting its coverage for outpatient care, doctor visits, preventive services, and more. Explore the comprehensive benefits of Medicare Part B and understand how it plays a crucial role in safeguarding your overall health and well-being.

    Medicare Part C

    Unlock the benefits of Medicare Part C in this quick video overview, where we explore the advantages of Medicare Advantage plans. Discover how Part C combines Parts A and B coverage, often with additional perks like dental and vision, providing a comprehensive and convenient healthcare solution tailored to your needs.

    Mastering Medicare Part D in 2024

    Discover the benefits of Medicare Part D in this brief video, focusing on its prescription drug coverage. Learn how Part D plans can help manage medication costs and find the right plan for comprehensive and affordable pharmaceutical support.

    Medicare Penalties

    Avoid Medicare penalties with our quick video guide. Learn key tips to stay penalty-free, from timely enrollment to preventing coverage gaps, ensuring a smooth and cost-effective Medicare experience.

  • Mastering Medicare Part D in 2024

    Discover the benefits of Medicare Part D in this brief video, focusing on its prescription drug coverage. Learn how Part D plans can help manage medication costs and find the right plan for comprehensive and affordable pharmaceutical support.

    Medicare Advantage Plans

    Discover the benefits of Medicare Advantage plans in our quick video. Learn how they combine coverage, often including extras like dental and vision, for a comprehensive healthcare solution.

    Medicare Supplement Plans

    Explore the benefits of Medicare Supplement plans in our brief video. Learn how these plans fill gaps in Original Medicare, providing added financial protection for out-of-pocket expenses and enhancing overall healthcare coverage.

    Medicare Star Ratings

    Explore Medicare Star Ratings in our video guide. Understand how these ratings help you choose quality plans for excellent healthcare coverage, minus the complicated stuff.

    How You Can Save Money On Group Health Care

    Many people choose to keep their current coverage and enroll in Medicare at a later date, but it's important to weigh the pros and cons. It's crucial to compare the costs and coverage of both options to make an informed decision.

  • Extra Help Program

    Discover the Extra Help program in our video—a vital resource for easing prescription drug costs under Medicare Part D. Learn eligibility and application details for accessible and affordable healthcare support.

    Medicare and Medicaid

    Decode Medicare and Medicaid in our concise video. Learn about their differences, eligibility, and how these programs can work together to enhance your healthcare coverage.

  • Tricare for Life

    Unlock the full potential of your healthcare with our video guide on seamlessly combining Tricare for Life with Medicare. Learn how these programs complement each other, offering enhanced coverage for military retirees and their families.

    Veterans and Medicare

    Discover how veterans navigate Medicare in our brief video. Learn about unique considerations, potential benefits, and gain insights into the healthcare journey for our nation's veterans.

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